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''There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything.
And consciousness can exist in any being
Always choices like picking a wedding ring
What color is it when you do dream?
When scared, never ever just slip a scream
Air the anger, and just let off the steam.
Existence swallows us like a hole or seam...
So if you like this, dig this other thing''
Vipul Wijewardene Director Marketing

''It can bring out the emotional truth . It can create a point of view on otherwise obtuse events. It can guide the telling and pace of a story. It can create the illusion of danger where there is none, surprise when we least expect it, and a vital subconscious emotional connection to the viewer.
Harsha b@d Video Editer

''in studio or on location--domestic or foreign; in the air or under water; perched on the end of a crane, or on a plane, boat or dolly; operating a hand-held, body-mounted, or remotely-controlled camera; or working on a feature, commercial, an episodic or sitcom series, or on a documentary. No matter where or what ''
Sumith Jayalal Camera Director

''Would you be one, who dares to try,
When challenged by the task;
To rise to heights you've never seen,
Or is that too much to ask?''
Danushke chameera Manager Productions 
''A problem occurs when people think of challenging work as painful or uncomfortable. Does challenging work necessarily have to be painful? No, of course not. In fact, a major key to success is to learn to enjoy challenging work and to enjoy working hard at it.''
Madushanka Arumapperumaachchi Production Coordinator

''Everything is beautiful enough''
Piyavi Wijewardene Visual Director